We all have faith.
Some of us have more faith than others. Most of us don't realize it. And most folks don't realize you have more faith than me.
I simply have the Bible which has truths that have been tested and have changed people's lives for thousands of years. My faith may be small but it is in a very large object. Contrast that with someone who voted for Obama. For the second time. They believed Obama was the answer to America's problems. It does not matter what reality holds. Jobs are down, except for bankruptcy firms and pawn shops and cardiologists. America is losing it's influence and reputation. America is not getting out of debt. America is being hit with storm after storm that the silly scientists who believe we came from a monkey believe have to do with global warming. Or that this is just Mother Nature. Yes, they have all the faith in the world, no matter how bad things get, that Obama is the man for the job. That is strong faith but the object is weak.
The key to faith is having it in the right spot. And then just acting on it. It is often rejected because it seems to simple. What must I DO to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved says the Bible. Yes repentance is in there too but ultimately it is putting your trust in the real Jesus of the Bible.
Believe the author and he will come to dwell in you forever. You will know that you know that you know. If yow are truly in you will know. If you believe and obey the gospel, coming with a child like heart and child like hunger. Jesus said Come unto me. The Bible says Call unto me. The Bible says Look unto me. Seek and ye shall find. Catch? There is none, but you won't find your life until you are ready to lose it.
A Medal of Honor recipient preached at our church on Sunday. Good good stuff, and you can find it on OldTimeBaptist.com's website on previous sermons. He quoted from a sign he had seen in Vietnam, "To really live you must almost die." That happens with salvation. You die of your dreams and plans and let Jesus move in and put his desires inside you and live through you. I don't always have that victory but it is exciting to find God's will and do it. Before I was saved I just tried to make it through life. Then I found eternal life.
After I put the little faith I had in the true and living God. HE is able. HE is wonderful. He is worth dying for.
And he already died for us.
I could have all the faith in the world that I can save money on gas by using Mountain Dew in my gas tank. That won't save my car. I just need the small faith of a child but I have a BIG heavenly Father and Jesus is the entire power of God downsized to a human being. The object of my faith is what changed my life. HE did the work of salvation, and he did the work of drawing me, revealing himself, putting people in my path and more.
It was an easy leap of faith once I got to know him.
And that I think is the key. Salvation is a person, not a prayer or performance. Get to know him and spend time in the gospels, Matthew Mark Luke and John, and be hungry to meet him. Pray and ask God to reveal himself in the pages and to make real Jesus Christ.
Faith will then be easy. Once you get to know him you can trust him with your life.
And once you see how wonderful and awesome Jesus really is, you don't have that high a leap. And you will know he will catch you once you take the plunge.
Christianity is easy. Jesus paid it all. We just receive it. All we need is to admit we are lost when we in our own understanding try to find out how to get to heaven. That opens the door for God to start showing us the way.
The way of saving faith is much easier than the way of damning religion. It takes a lot of faith to believe Jesus is in the wafer because it looks the same after. That is a lie of the devil. It takes a lot of faith to believe Jesus is in most Christians because they act the same after. But I know in whom I believe and he changed my life in every way I can imagine.
And it all began when I started to want to get to know him.
Jesus is God. IS he your God? Just turn off the computer and get on the FaithBook.
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