Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Massacre Part II


I am not a prophet like the old testament ones.  They had a direct phone line to God and communicated verbatim what God wanted communicated.

I am a prophet in the sense that anyone can be.  Meaning, if you take the Bible in one hand, and the newspaper in another, you can look like you have a fortune ball in your hands.

I had no idea those two brothers were dedicated Muslims.  But if it looks like a rat, and smells like a rat, and acts like a rat it is a rat.

I mention this because I wrote on the post about Muslim terrorists.  I can't even remember what I said, but even before I knew who the bombers were I thought that they would turn out to be Muslims.  The day after the bombing before they caught the suspects, I remember handing out the chick track "Camels in the Tent" about the deadly religion called Islam.   I was in our local Tim Hortons and handed a few out and said, "this will tell you who was behind the marathon bombings."  I was surprised when I heard they were Russians.  Communist bombers?  I now wasn't so sure.

Yet, it did turn out to be they were indeed Muslims.  Not that it matters.  The same devil that can get people to crash 747's into buildings is the same devil that gets fired police officers to go postal and fired postal workers to act like renegade cops. 

But there is something to be feared from the Muslims.  They follow a pattern that they followed for thousands of years.  They first infiltrate a nation.  Then they populate there. Then they propagate their message.  Then finally they annihilate any opposition.  

The media is calling them radical Muslims.  And I am a radical Christian.  The difference is one is a vessel of Satan's and he plants his desires in them and the fruit of the rotten tree is explosive.  Radical followers of a "religion" are merely doing what they are taught.  Note that Biblical Christianity is not the same thing as Roman Catholicism.  The Roman Catholic church has the power to damn anyone as a heretic if they don't believe Jesus is literally in the wafer.  The Spanish Inquisition was the Catholic Church torturing mostly Jews and Christians and thinking they were doing that for God. 

Sounds like the Muslim faith doesn't it?

Of course, in America, since the NFL is around and the money is flowing no one wants to be too radical.  Radical Christians start blogs and preach on the street and are accused of being hateful and a fanatic.  Radical Muslims end their church week with a bang.  I heard of two Muslim fathers talking one day, and the one was showing off pictures of his teen age sons.  "They blow up so fast," said the 2nd Muslim. 

But in general, no one would be truly considered radical in America because whether we are in the truth or in a cult we all have it so good that few want to rock the boat.  Especially when that boat is the U.S.S. Pleasure Ship.  In the middle east when you can die at any moment and you aren't addicted to junk food so it really doesn't matter if you miss a meal because the food is so bland, you have less at stake if you were to lose everything for your cause.  You have no choice but to sell out to your religion.  In the Middle East, you don't compete as much with the Boy Scouts, after school Tball practice and ballet and dance class and gymnastics and ice hockey and skiing and tiddly wink championships and 500 channels of cable and 30 chain restaurants in a 5 mile radius, 100 edge-of-your-seat thriller attractions at your nearest amusement park, Splash Lagoon, Americal Idol, the MLB/NFL/NBA/MLS/NILL/NASCAR/NHL/Olympics/PBA/MLG/MLB's that numb our consciences and give men a false substitute for adventure, and the 25 screen super multi plex Regal Cinema with surround sound and IMAX screen.

 In America, do I really want to risk it all when no one else wants to risk it all?  That is our challenge and why so few bother giving it all for God.  Whether the true and living God or the
'god of this world', the devil himself.  If you want to see Islam in action, look at the Middle East where Muslims blow themselves up on a regular basis.  If you want to see Christianity in action, look at the Middle East where Muslims are torturing and beheading Christians on a regular basis. 

Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments.  Jesus calls me to love my neighbor as myself, live for others, and give my life for him and the gospel, and go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.  Islam basically says go into all the world and destroy every unbeliever.  All they are doing is taking their religion seriously and following the teachings of their founder Mohammad.  He said to cut them, kill them, and destroy all who oppose.

That is different than the teachings of Jesus.  Jesus taught the truth.  Mohammad taught a lie.  Jesus was the life.  Mohammad is death.  Period.

The bomber is already in hell tonight, there with the founder.  And one day both will bow before Jesus Christ.

The Bible says Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father. 

First they believe a lie.  Then they bomb for a lie.  Then they take bullets for a lie.  Then they are bound hand and foot and tossed into hell for a lie.  Then they bow to the TRUTH.  Then they burn forever in the lake of fire. 

In fact it would be better had they never been born.  For them.  And for any that died in the bombings that were nice people but lost. 

Unsaved innocent casualties still end up in hell.

Seems unfair, but Jesus wants those with the truth to actually believe it and not bury it. 

Give it out. Act on your faith with the truth to a greater degree that the Muslims act on their lies.

And maybe then the Muslims would meet their match.

Before they meet their maker. 

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