Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dear America

I, as a Christian, want to apologize for the majority of us speaking Jesus with our lips but denying him by our lifestyle.  American Christianity is the only thing in the country where you can call yourself something and live totally different.  In the world, you won't see a Red Sox fan wearing Yankees paraphernalia and you will spot a Dead Head a mile away. 

However, what we see is the Bible coming alive.  The Bible says in the end times, men be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God and they will profess they know God but in works they deny him.  Jesus also warns about false converts.  True converts have a zeal for truth, a love of God, and their lips match what is in their heart.  Not all the time, but God is working on us and his desires slowly take over and become our desires.  We can resist it, we can let more of the world in than is good for us, we can live in unbelief, but that does not pin the problem on God.  He and His way is perfect.  It is not God's fault we make him look bad.  The Bible warns of the end that there will be a great falling away and a rise of false prophets and false teachers.  That is where we are at today.

That being said, there are some other explanations for why we look so phony. First, the media slants everything and the media, Hollywood, government, and schools hate Jesus Christ.  Secular humanism has taken over, and the theory of evolution is protected propaganda, even though the only evidence for it is micro evolution, which I believe.  2 dogs were on the ark 4,200 years ago and from them, every dog species "evolved".  That is not the same as everything came out of soup.  Evolution is a fairy tale for grownups and defies common sense and what you see in the natural world.  Yet schools and the media slant it as religion vs. science.  They are both religions you need to believe!  Evolution is not science!

 The Bible also steps on all our toes.  A thief won't seek a police man.  If you are going 20 over the speed limit you are looking for police cars to hide from them only, so you don't get caught.  Americans love their sins, and are running from the true and living God and to a god that lets them live as they want and go as they please.  And most churches are helping them to do that!!!

God is against sin, no matter whether all the churches are for it, or 95% of Americans are for it, or if Obama is for it. Rights come from God, not government.  God defines marriage, because he created it.  God owns heaven, so he can define who is welcome and not welcome.  God is the giver of life and he defines life at conception.  Abortion is murder.  Assisted suicide is murder!

God is the one who instituted the 10 commandments, and we are the ones who broke God's law.  Most people think God is all forgiving.  That may be true but their is still a punishment dished out for every crime.  Try murdering 10 people and telling a judge you are sorry and heard he is a forgiving judge.  You should be sorry.  Then you are off to jail!

A just judge must punish sin!  Whatever sin he finds and where ever it is committed.  Time will not erase sin.   Have you ever lied? Stolen:? Looked with lust?  (Jesus said that is adultery!) Hated? (Bible said this is murder).  You will face a Holy God on Judgment Day whether you believe in Him --- or agree with Him --or not.  Heaven or Hell? 

Be honest,  you will end up in Hell forever if you are found guilty in your sins.  God is a merciful God but he is also a God of holiness and righteousness and cannot even be in the presence of Sin.  Yet, God made a way.  He became man and died on the cross.  The Cross is where God's love and wrath meet. God made the rules and we broke them. Yet Jesus died on the cross to pay our fine. If you repent and believe the gospel,God will give you freely the gift of eternal life. 

Sometimes our "intolerance" looks mean, but there is no other way. If you are honest, you just do not want your sin dealt with.  That is the issue with today's modern "Jesus", like the reinvented Jesus of the Shack.  People are blindly turning to gods they invent in their own mind, new versions of the real thing that won't punish them and let them live how they want. That is an idol of man, and that god cannot save.   That is idolatry, plain and simple.

Why not find the real thing?  Yes He will deal with your sin, but he will change your desires, direction, and destiny.  Today preachers want to be popular so they often are right there pushing the modern Jesus who is a fake version of the real Jesus.  There is no salvation in false religion, because they teach a false Christ.  A false Christ cannot save.  That is one reason why there are so many hypocrites.  The catholics, Mormons, and Jehovah Witness's all push a false powerless Jesus.  Religion is almost always wrong.

Our country was not founded on religion but on the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.   That is different.  There is a vast difference in a church who uses the Bible and Jesus as it's head, and a church that uses tradition, a Pope, another book (IE Mormons, Watchtower) as it's authority.  The apostle Paul said even if an angel from Heaven preached another gospel, let him be accursed.  A false Gospel, a False Christ, leaves you in your sin.

You don't let the hyocrites that shop at WalMart keep you out of the store.  Don't let hypocrites or any other excuse keep you from Jesus. Salvation is a person, not a prayer.  The Bible says He that hath the Son hath life, He that hath not the Son hath not life; and the wrath of God abideth on him.  When I met Jesus 10years ago, he set me free from a sinful lifestyle living for self sin and pleasure, and a wasted life.   My life has never been the same.  There are times I messed up and times I have a bad attitude, and times I don't respond well to life's hardships, but it is not God's fault.  Christianity is real.  The Christ found in the 1611 King James version is the real thing but you have to come letting the book judge you, not you judging it!


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