Friday, February 8, 2013

Same Body, Different Bones

We are all part of the Body, if we are saved.  That is ONE BODY, the Body of Christ.  We are supposed to be his hands, his feet, his mouthpiece.

That being said, I have found out we can be the same body, but different organs.

And different bones as well.

Which bone are you?

Most Christians today are jawbones.  They yap their yappers and run their mouths and they profess they know God but by their works deny him. They profess Christ with their lips but their heart is far from Him.  They said I do to God once, but did not divorce themselves from the gods of this world.  They talk the talk and that is as far as they go.

Other Christians are wishbones.  They wish God would free them from their sin so they could do something for God.  They wish they could impact this world.  They wish they could get up and read their Bible and meet with God.  They wish they were married so they can serve God and then later on they wish they had the time and finances to serve God like they had when they were single.  The wish they could get to church more. They wish and wish and wish. They talk to God about men but wish they could talk to men about God.  They wish they were on the mission field or in full time service so they could serve God full time but they refuse to serve him now.

Some others are funnybones.  Everything is a joke. They hear great convicting messages and soon after they are talking and joking with other Christians as if they just went to a hysterical movie. They joke about hell.  They look at serious Christians who are burdened with people going to hell as weirdos who need to lighten up. 

Others are soupbones.  They are a conglomerate of every doctrine, a blend of the world and the church. They love old fashioned preaching but they also love the warm and fuzzy Billy Graham messages.  They like everything. Except someone with absolutes.  There is death in this pot, as a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, but that seems harsh and cold. 

Some are T-bones, drinking Tea and Coffee, fellowshipping with the other Christians, oblivious to the battle going on outside the church walls.

Some are legbones, running at the first sign of trouble or persecution.

Others are dogbones, returning to their sin as a dog returns to his vomit.  They can't say no to the flesh or live a crucified life, most likely because they have never been saved.  They get "saved" and return to the world faster than you can say Hollywood.  They chase after money, and immoral women, and addictions, and living for pleasure like a dog chasing a tennis ball.

Some are dead men's bones, hypocrites and pharisees.

Some are Soft-tissuebones, molding to whatever pressures are around them, conforming to the patterns of this world.

Others are kneebones, fighting back with a knee jerk reaction when ever someone gives them even a little tap.

Instead we need to be backbones.  Strong and shouldering the burden of all the other parts of the body, not giving in to stress or weight. Standing in the gap and not leaning to the left or right, fixing our eyes on Jesus. Pillars carrying the truth.

What bone describes you?  Which one would you want to be instead?  America's Christians need to get back to being backbones.  Instead we are becoming the drybones seen in the book of Ezekiel!!!

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