Sunday, February 24, 2013

America, You've Come a Long Way Baby!

Evolution and Mr. Obama think the best is yet to come.  We are getting bigger and better and faster and smarter and learning how to get along with our fellow countries and our government is getting stronger and taking over more of our everyday lives.  That is a great thing according to them.  In reality, things are getting worse and worse and worse.  Perversion is normalized.  Sin abounds and is boasted about.  The weather continues to put people out of homes and bankrupt insurance companies.  Our factories are closing and people are out of work and now many companies won't hire you if you aren't currently working.  Our dollar is basically backed by the promise of a bankrupt nation when it used to be backed by the gold standard.  Now there is no standard.  We will just print more when we need it.  We pass Go and print another $200 and we roll the dice some more and love being the banker.  The Bible says things will get worse on all fronts until the Lord returns and straightens this whole mess out.  In the last days, the Bible says, perilous times shall come. It just doesn't say how long the end times will last.  But it clearly warns the worst is yet to come. Until then we are not to look to the government but look to God and find out who he is and what he wants us to do.

The Bible is the history book of the universe and gives a play by play to the coming destruction as well.  It doesn't say to go today and rebuild the ark, or go save the whales (and collect the entire set) or find intelligent life somewhere else (when they found since the television was invented there isn't much intelligent life here anyway). It says to seek ye the Lord while he may be found. It says for you to repent and turn to Christ, and then preach the gospel to everyone you find and lead them to safety too.

I really think most people think things are fine and don't even want to think about negative things that can send rain on their American parade.  They are cruising aboard America the Titanic with the iceberg of judgment dead ahead, and they see the lifeboats being lowered and they hear the sirens wailing and they hear the Preachers on the lifeboats telling them they are going to sink, and they plug their ears and continue on.  They go to movies and tv to get away from thinking about things getting worse.  They medicate and drink and go to bars and mindless sporting events and they do anything and everything but get on the life boat.  They numb themselves with anything to stay oblivious.  We still have 15 minutes before the boat sinks!  Let's have another round!

I don't know what more God has to do to get our attention. We were wide awake and looking for God after 9/11 but soon after 9/12 we again hit the snooze button.  Cancer, disease, hurricanes, $4/gallon gas, food shortages, droughts, storms, blizzards, earthquakes, tsunamis, meteors, asteroids, volcanoes, our government heading toward dictatorship, mass shootings, suicides, homicides, infanticide, pesticides, overdoses, floods, wars, overseas turmoil, environmental disasters, addictions increasing, families self destructing, world wide famines, and a crashing economy has really yet to cause the average American to see there is a problem.  And it definitely hasn't caused America to fall to it's knees in repentance. The chaos and confusion has helped Amheiser Busch of St. Louis Missouri and helped the shrinks and Prozac manufacturers and helped cardiologists, but it hasn't caused people to look more to Jesus. And it hasn't woke the church up.

Look just back 60 years ago or so to see things are getting worse.  We weren't incredibly devoted to Jesus Christ back then, but we are riding still on the fumes of the revival fires of the Great Awakening even 100 years later.  God seemed to be put on the back burner, but his blessings were slow to leave because God is long suffering I believe.  We had more than with less, and we weren't in this mad rat race, having 2 parents working (if they were still together), paying for day care, driving to every activity, and seeing each year go by quicker and quicker.  Life today is a blur.  Christmas season seems now always just around the corner.  The NFL season lasts all year.  Life is not slowing down as we spiral toward the end.

Then, families lived together, ate together, and talked together.  There were only 3 channels of TV to watch but it wasn't the focus of home life.  Dad worked and only worked 5 days a week and was home for dinner.  Mom took care of the house and the children.  The children were obedient and survived without Ritalin.  There wasn't credit card debt, yet the average family had a car and a house and could take a vacation once in a while and could eat out once in a while. They didn't need to pay for storage or cable or cell phones and when you called someone there was no caller ID, no call waiting, no answering machines.  Usually someone was home to answer.  You survived without texting or Nintendo. 

You played outside and you were not out of shape so you could handle actually playing baseball without a joystick.  Dinner was actually made without a microwave and you could grocery shop once a week and be fine.   Families ate 3 square meals and didn't spend all afternoon sitting in front of a TV chomping down chips and Soda.  You didn't have Tim Hortons drivethru every time you ran an errand.  Dad wasn't on Lipitor and Mom wasn't on Valium.  There were no school shootings.  You went to church on Sunday and didn't waste the day watching 1 pm, 4 pm and Sunday night football.  On Thanksgiving you actually talked with your family instead of watching TV all day.  Yes, we have come a long way indeed.  The family is falling apart, we are not content, we are miserable and spiraling out of control.  Our kids have everything yet are spoiled brats, and we have 200 channels but nothing worth watching. 

I read that today's generation has more health advances but are much sicker today because of obesity and lack of exercise.  Duh. We have this I can live how I want attitude because we have a pill for every ill and a med for what we're fed.  Why eat right when there is Lipitor? This attitude translates to our churches and our spiritual problem.  Why get right with God when there is prozac?  Who needs the Prince of Peace when there is Valium and Xanax?  Who needs the wonderful counselor when there is Oprah and Dr. Phil?  Who needs church when weekends were made for Michelob?  Who needs the Bible when there is so much TV to watch?

Until we see that America is on the path to destruction, we won't see any need to change the course we are on.  I fear that by the time America wakes up it will be much too late.  Bottom line, America needs to get right with God.

That can never happen until the churches stop just playing church.  There is a lot at stake folks. The end really is near but eternity is even closer than you think.

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