Travis Alexander met Jody Arias at a work conference. They had a typical out of marriage boyfriend/girlfriend relationship for America today. It used to be called fornication. When he broke up with her to see other women, she brutally murdered him in 2008. Her case is big headlines today, mostly because of her bizarre contradictions, pathological lies, brutality of the murder, and shocking details that keep emerging each day. She stabbed him 17 or 27 times I believe including the heart and head, she slit his throat ear to ear, and she shot him in the head. She took pictures of the body, called his phone after he was dead, and drove by his house after. She first said she was out of state, then she told police ninjas broke in and killed him and tried to kill her, then she said it was self defense. Her lies never end, and the truth may never come out. She told police she was abused but her journal shows a woman obsessed. She told the courts she felt disgusted by the sexual acts but her texts to him paint a woman who was blinded by lust. When he broke up with her she slashed his tires and he told someone don't be surprised if he ends up dead. She says she doesn't remember stabbing him and says she shot him first. He would not have such extensive knife wounds on his hands if he was shot first. Her tales do not add up and she faces the death penalty though she said no jury would convict her. She looks like a whore in the pictures and a librarian in the courts. It seems obvious she killed him in a jealous rage. If she couldn't have him, no one was going to.
This horrible tragedy brings up a lot of lessons. First, today we treat the American way of dating as harmless. It basically is a if it feels good, do it way to live. Love is viewed as a feeling and relationships are lust driven. When the honeymoon period is over young people, and many adults find someone else to go on a Honeymoon with. We ignore murder suicides in breakups, the effect it has on teen pregnancy, unwed mothers, fatherless children, STD's, emotional turmoil, adultery, and broken homes. This lust driven society makes most marriages unstable, and vows before God meaningless. It actually is why homosexuality is so rampant. Homosexuality and open sodomy are the symptoms of the downward spiral of a nation out of control morally. It is not us being more open minded today than our forefathers. There literally was very little homosexuality years ago. It is not them just being more open. It is spreading like a cancer and is the end result when you keep desiring what God says is forbidden.
Look at the escalation. In the 1900's - 1950's you had a generation of religious families. That is not what God wants. They conformed on the outside but were not free. The marriages stuck together but there was not the thriving marriages you get with 2 who truly love God. Only when you love God can you not love yourself. You have an amazing awesome marriage when you are putting other over self. I testify that in my own marriage. When I demand "my rights" I am miserable and think I deserve better treatment. When I focus on my wife's needs and my children's, it is very fulfilling and very enjoyable. Divorce and adultery happen because people are selfish and don't care about anything but their selves.
In the 1950's marriages were dead, and children didn't want that. They started eying what they couldn't have or do and ate the fruit forbidden to them. That was rather innocent by today's standards, but that is how sin works. It starts small and then takes over a nation. They started holding hands and making out at the drive ins and that fulfilled because that crossed the line enough. Then the bar was raised more and more and more until you have today where nearly anything goes and anything is accepted. Except abstinence.
Lust is adultery. Lust is putting gasoline on the fire that burns within human nature. You cannot satisfy it and only keep pushing the envelope. You can't quench it, and there is great correlation between rape and pornography for example. The bible says it is better for a man to marry than to burn. God gives us the boundary of marriage to protect us, and only the marriage bed satisfies. Only the marriage bed provides a safe haven where you are protected from STD's and protected from emotional scars. That is why adultery is so bad and pornography so wicked. The threats are everywhere and from every angle and men today are being destroyed by it. It promises so much but it only fuels that fire.
Travis was blinded by his lust. His lust is what killed him. The Bible warns of the adulterous woman. The bible says in Proverbs that Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell. Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned? But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. Her house is the way to Hell, going down to the chambers of death.
The bible says Let no thine heart decline to hear ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hat cast down many wounded; yea, many strong men have been slain by her.
Jesus created marriage to protect us. One man and One woman for life. That is God's design. We think we know better because we have been listening to Hollywood's definition of love for too long. Love is not a feeling it is a decision. We would know that if we were going to the Love Book, the Bible, instead of the Love Boat for our view of Love.
The greatest tragedy of Travis' life is he is in hell right now. He testified himself that the Mormon religion was his salvation. There is no salvation in a false Gospel. It is a man created religion and there are many many holes in it if one wanted the truth. He trusted a false gospel, and he fell for the wicked woman. He suffered a tragic horrible death, and now he is a tortured soul in the flames of Hell. Yes, for his sins for fornication and more. But as we all have sinned, he neglected the remedy. Religion cannot save because there has to be a payment made. Only the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross does that. A false Christ cannot save. The Mormons wrongly teach works save and they teach a false Christ and that Satan and Jesus were brothers. They teach the Book of Mormons to be on the same truth level as the Bible. These are damning heresies and why ultimately Travis in hell.
How about you? Travis is a warning to all of us. His death needs not be in vain if we learn from this that exposes the tragedy of the Mormon religion and the damning of today's dating philosophy. The bible says except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish. If you are looking at pornography, you are being snared by the same wicked adulterous woman. She may not murder you from the pages, but she has the same power to destroy your family and damn your soul.
America needs a major overhaul of sin right now. And the fornications and pornography need to first be removed from the church members before the rest of the world sees how exceedingly sinful it really is.
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